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Studies and researches
Vol. 3 Issue 2 - 12/2011
The Investigation of the Role of Universities in providing Lifelong Learning in Romania

This paper presents preliminary results of a study that aims to assess the role of universities in providing continuing education and training in Romania. The need for this assessment appears in the context of larger topic, that of lifelong learning, construct that raised con­siderable interest in Romania. The methodological design of the research consisted of a quantitative analysis of secondary data. For the purpose of this investigation, data were collected from the County Registries for Continuous Training from 10 counties belonging to all development regions of Romania, plus Bucharest. Findings reveal a low participation of universities from the investigated counties in the adult continuing education and training. The specialisations offered prove to be linked to the regional context, as it might seem natural. Further research is needed to clarify the link between the specialisations offered within the regional context.

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continuing training, continuing education, lifelong learning, regional analysis

Studies and researches
Vol. 4 Issue 1 - 6/2012
Essentials of University Strategy Development in the Field of Lifelong Learning
The process of strategy development reflects, in any organisation, the clarity of the purpose of the organisation’s mere existence. Although many organisations may decide ‘to go with the flow’, in the current economic context it is advisable that organisations, including higher education institutions, go through a thorough strategy development process. The lifelong learning approach brings a shift in the paradigm of education, and was considered to be the manner in which individuals get educated in the knowledge-based society. The most active players in the higher education market embraced this approach by developing lifelong learning strategies, either separated or incorporated in the overall university strategy. In this context, the study presents guidelines for the development of strategies in universities, and attempts to investigate to which extent three public universities representative for different regions of Romania have embraced the lifelong learning approach in their university strategies so far. The investigation uses the framework of the principles of university lifelong learning presented in the Universities‘ Charter on Lifelong Learning (2008). Read more
strategy development, university strategy, lifelong learning, strategic plan

Studies and researches
Vol. 5 Issue 1 - 6/2013
The Use of New Technologies for the Collection of Statistical Information in Romania
Web based information collection becomes important for statistical analysis, because of the offered advantages and by the information technology progress. The paper analyzes web based information collection organization and implementation at national level and discusses the validity by using different data sources, such as survey online portal implemented by National Institute of Statistics description and functionality, legal framework existing web-surveys, security issues, and new technologies. The research will contribute to the theoretical foundation of web-based statistical information collection, identifies the stakeholders and each category advantages. Read more
online information collection, web-survey, statistical research, national framework

B23, C81, C88
Studies and researches
Vol. 5 Issue 2 - 12/2013
Product Innovation Strategies on Emerging Markets: Bringing Theory and Practice Together

Emerging economies present the largest growth in the world, and thus tremendous growth opportunities. Developing products for emerging markets proves to be a difficult task requiring a fundamental shift in thinking, and the present paper aims at investigating the product innovation strategies available on emerging markets, theoretically and practically through examples and a case-study of the Romanian tablet market. At the beginning, the theoretical framework is described through the most relevant contributions to the field of product innovation. Some conceptual clarifications are provided, in the context of a widespread usage of terms in various fields of science. The second part of the paper attempts to define the ‘emerging markets’ and to find distinctive their characteristics, attempt hampered by their great diversity and complexity. The third part provides empirical support for the product innovation strategies used by local tablet producers in Romania. Findings show local tablet producers used the frugal innovation strategy in the first years of operations. Afterwards, the increasingly competitive market and the gradual sophistication of consumers made a shift in strategy, to new product development and innovation strategy, in the context of keeping the low-cost positioning of the locally produced tablets.

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product innovation, new product development (NPD), frugal innovation, product innovation strategy, emerging market, Romania

EJIS is published under the research grant no. 91-058/2007 The Development of Interdisciplinary Academic Research Aimed at Enhancing the Romanian Universities International Competitiveness, coordinated by The Bucharest University of Economic Studies and financed by CNMP Romania.
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